Wagion Lodge #6 invites the Cub Scouts of Section NE-4B to Cubclave 2013. The event will be held in conjuction with the Section NE-4B Concolave. If you are a Cub Scout you do not want to miss this event.
For nearly 100 years, the Order of the Arrow has served as scouting’s honor society, to recognize exceptional scouts and leaders. All across the country, Order of the Arrow lodges exist to promote the ideals of scouting and provide cheerful service. Each year, lodges in our area come together for a weekend of fellowship and service known as Conclave.
This year our theme is a Super Mario Brotherhood Weekend
We invite you to and your families to join us for a day of fun games, bouncy houses, BB Gun shooting, and much more!
The cost is $8.00 per person and includes a patch and a Super Mario Pizza Pocket lunch.
Leaders with questions are encouraged to e-mail: CUBCLAVE@WAGION.ORG and LODGEADVISER@WAGION.ORG
Please see our Cubclave 2013 information page for additional information.
Click here for an advertising flyer to distribute to your packs.