Wagion Lodge #6

Elangomat Training

Hello everyone!


We will be holding an elangomat training day on September 24th at Camp Conestoga. Our main focuses will be teaching you how to efficiently guide a crew of ordeals and how to create lasting friendships with the ordeal candidates. The training cells will help you develop useful soft skills and train you to help out within the elangomat committee. This program will hopefully help us to retain our lodge’s newly inducted ordeals from every weekend. The training day will be centered around youth training, however, adults are welcome to attend if they have an interest in learning about how the elangomat committee is run or if they have an interest in helping out with the committee in the future. If you plan on attending, please sign up using the google form linked in this message! Everyone attending should be up at Conestoga around 8:30 AM on Saturday, September 24th. We plan to be finished with all of the training cells around 3:45 PM, pick up being at 4:00 PM. Lunch will be provided to everyone that attends; please bring a notebook and writing utensil so that you can write down your own notes on any of the topics that are brought up.If you would like to attend, please sign up using the following google form here.

Yours in Brotherhood,

Cody Kuehn

2022 elangomat chairman