The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) consists of all officers, chairmen, and advisers. All members of the committee may provide input at meetings, however, only youth members (under 21) are permitted to vote. All members of the lodge are welcome to Attend LEC meetings. They typically happen on the Friday nights of lodge weekends prior to snack.
Each lodge office consists of a youth officer and an adult adviser. Lodge officers are elected at the October service weekend. Any arrowman that has completed the Ordeal and will be under the age of 21 for the entire term of office (January 1st – December 31) may submit an Officer Candidate Resume to the Nominating Committee prior to the announce deadline.
Each committee consists of youth chairman, an adult adviser, and and additional youth and adult committee members. Committee chairman are appointed by the Lodge Chief, and adult advisers are appointed by the Lodge Adviser. Almost all committees are looking for new members. After you take the ordeal, its a good idea to talk with a few of the committee chairman and decide which committees you want to join. You can get their phone number from the lodge newsletter, or you can meet them at a lodge weekend.