Wagion Lodge #6

Journey to Excellence Progress Center

Join us as Wagion Lodge #6 Journey to Excellence this year! This page contains the details on how we’re doing in each of the National Order of the Arrow Journey to Excellence Categories!

Our progress:

  0 of 1400


1. Fiscal Management

Develop and successfully execute a lodge annual budget.

  0 of 200

 2. Contribution To Council

Contribute cash, materials or both to the council.

  0 of 300


3. Membership Impact

Experience positive growth in membership over the previous year

  0 of 600

4. Membership Retention

Improve the retention rate of lodge members

  0 of 300

5. Unit Elections

Conduct unit elections in all troops and teams within the council

  0 of 300

6. Ordeal Completion

Induct Ordeal candidates

  0 of 300


7. Lodge Event Participation

Improve lodge membership participation at full lodge events.

  0 of 400

8. Brotherhood Completion

Convert eligible Ordeal members to Brotherhood.

  0 of 200

9. Service Projects

Complete Scout Executive approved service project(s) on Council property and in the community.

  0 of 200

10. Section and National Event Participation

Attend section and nation events.

  0 of 100

Unit Service

11. Unit Visitation

Conduct an in-person visit to every troop or team in the council. Visits must happen at a unit meeting or event, and must be conducted by trained Arrowmen from other units.

  0 of 200

12. Unit of Excellence Award

Assist troops and teams in the council to earn the OA Unit of Excellence award.

  0 of 200

Council Support

13. Council Designated Support

Key 3 meets with Scout Executive and lodge completes agreed upon projects.

  0 of 400

14. Council Program Support

Provide OA member staff support for council and district program events.

  0 of 100

15. Council Camping Support

Conduct camp promotion contacts to council troops and teams.

  0 of 200

Leadership and Governance

16. Leadership Development

Conduct at least one LLD during the year with qualified instructors using current materials.

  0 of 200

17. Planning and Reporting

Submit a written performance plan and annual report of accomplishments to the Scout Executive and council executive board.

  0 of 100