Join us as Wagion Lodge #6 Journey to Excellence this year! This page contains the details on how we’re doing in each of the National Order of the Arrow Journey to Excellence Categories!
Our progress:
1. Fiscal Management
Develop and successfully execute a lodge annual budget.
2. Contribution To Council
Contribute cash, materials or both to the council.
3. Membership Impact
Experience positive growth in membership over the previous year
4. Membership Retention
Improve the retention rate of lodge members
5. Unit Elections
Conduct unit elections in all troops and teams within the council
6. Ordeal Completion
Induct Ordeal candidates
7. Lodge Event Participation
Improve lodge membership participation at full lodge events.
8. Brotherhood Completion
Convert eligible Ordeal members to Brotherhood.
9. Service Projects
Complete Scout Executive approved service project(s) on Council property and in the community.
10. Section and National Event Participation
Attend section and nation events.
Unit Service
11. Unit Visitation
Conduct an in-person visit to every troop or team in the council. Visits must happen at a unit meeting or event, and must be conducted by trained Arrowmen from other units.
12. Unit of Excellence Award
Assist troops and teams in the council to earn the OA Unit of Excellence award.
Council Support
13. Council Designated Support
Key 3 meets with Scout Executive and lodge completes agreed upon projects.
14. Council Program Support
Provide OA member staff support for council and district program events.
15. Council Camping Support
Conduct camp promotion contacts to council troops and teams.
Leadership and Governance
16. Leadership Development
Conduct at least one LLD during the year with qualified instructors using current materials.
17. Planning and Reporting
Submit a written performance plan and annual report of accomplishments to the Scout Executive and council executive board.