Wagion Lodge #6

Conclave 2013 Service Lodge RSVP

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Conclave 2013 Service Lodge RSVP
Please complete this form if you are attending as a member of Wagion Lodge.
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* Indicates required question
First Name *
Your answer
Last Name *
Your answer
Troop Number, or Council affiliation *
This form is only for members of Wagion Lodge #6, Westmoreland-Fayette Council
Your answer
Email address
Your answer
BSA Member ID number (if known)
This is the membership number shown on your BSA memberhsip card.
Your answer
Date of birth
Your answer
Have you already paid your 2013 dues? *
Will you be attending Conclave? *
(Silver arrowman membership does not include Conclave fees)
Conclave Committee *
Which committee would you like to serve on during Conclave?   Committee membership is mandatory for Conclave.
Shirt size *
Prep-week attendance
Which days are you planning to come up and assist with prep-week?   We will be working from 9:00 until 5:00 each day.   Meals will be provided.   There is no cost to help with prep-week.
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