It is with the greatest remorse to inform everyone that one of our fellow brothers has passed away. Michael T. Sweeney, Jr. of troop 252 passed away Sunday, September 8, 2013 at Westmoreland Hospital. Mike joined Scouting in 2003 as a Tiger Cub of Pack 252 in North Huntingdon, PA. He attained his Arrow of Light in 2007. He crossed over to Boy Scout troop 252 also in North Huntingdon, PA. He was a Life Scout currently in pursuit of his Eagle. He was called out for the Order of the Arrow in 2010 and became an Ordeal member that October. He sealed his membership as a Brotherhood member in 2011. He served the lodge and his troop as an active Troop OA Representative. The family has asked in lieu of flowers, please do a good turn in memory of Mike. It saddens us all to hear the news of our fallen brother. But while he may be gone his spirit remains. May we always remember our brother: Michael T. Sweeny, Jr.