1. What is the initial membership to the Order of the Arrow?
Ordeal membership.
2. Why is it so called?
Because it is preceded by a four-fold Ordeal.
3. What are the four parts of the Ordeal and their respective purposes?
A night of camping alone under the heavens to prove my self reliance; a day of
arduous toil to indicate my willingness to serve others; 24 hours of scant food to
demonstrate my powers of self-denial and a like period of silence to turn my
thoughts inward.
4. How were you prepared for the Ordeal?
I was lead by Kitchkinet to the north end of the camp where the significance of
the arrow was first revealed to me as I tested the bow.
5. When you completed the Ordeal, how were you dealt with?
I was placed on the trail which leads to the circle of the lodge.
6. By whom were you first stopped as you approached the circle?
By Nutiket, the guard, who asked if I had passed the Ordeal without flinching.
7. Who next barred your further progress?
Meteu, who inquired if I had been given the admonition.
8. Had you been given the admonition?
I had not, but Kitchkinet, my guide, had and gave it for me.
9. Before whom did you then at last arrive?
Before Allowat Sakima, the chief of the fire, who asked if I had been completely
prepared to accept the Obligation.
11. How did Kitchkinet call the attention of these officials to your presence?
By three taps of the hand on the right shoulder.
12. What did these three taps signify?
The three parts of the Scout Oath or Promise.
13. How did each of these officials respond to Kitchkinet’s taps?
With one tap, followed by two taps on the right shoulder.
14. What did these taps represent?
The twelve points of the Scout Law.
15. How were you and your companions bound together?
With rope, which until we had taken the Obligation represented our ties to the
16. How was your preparation for the Obligation completed?
Nutiket directed me to hold my right hand in the Scout Sign and repeat the
Obligation after Allowat Sakima.
17. Repeat the Obligation.
I do hereby promise, on my honor as a scout, that I will always and faithfully
observe and preserve the traditions of the Order of the Arrow,
regard the ties of Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow as lasting, and will seek
to preserve a cheerful spirit even in the midst of irksome tasks and weighty
responsibilities, and will endeavor, so far as in my power lies, to be unselfish in
the service and the devotion to the welfare of others.
18. In what did Meteu then instruct you?
The legend upon which our Order is founded.
19. Who are the central figures of that legend?
The aged chieftain, Chingatchgook, and his son, Uncas, who by their cheerful and
self-sacrificing service are said to have saved the Delaware lodges from
20. What did Allowat Sakima then impart on you?
The symbol and handclasp of the Order, the admonition, and sign of Ordeal
21. What is the symbol of the Order?
The arrow, whose undeviating course when aimed high, is a token of leadership.
22. How is it worn?
Pointing over the right shoulder.
23. Give me the handclasp of our order.
(Give it.)
24. How must the admonition always be given?
Whispered in the ear.
25. What is the admonition?
(Give it.)
26. What does it mean?
To love one another.
27. What is the sign of the Ordeal?
(Give it.)
28. What is the full name of our Order?
Wimachtendienk, Wingolouchsik, Witahemua.
29. In what language is it given?
In the language of the Delaware Indians, the Lenni Lenape.
30. What is its meaning in English?
The Brotherhood of Cheerful Service.
31. Give the words to, or sing, the song of our Order.
Firm bound in Brotherhood, gather the clan that cheerful service brings to fellow
man, circle our council fire, weld tightly every link, that binds us in Brotherhood,