Brothers, I could not be more excited for the upcoming April weekend, especially following an amazing banquet. I hope you all had as much fun as I did at the annual banquet. I would like to thank our activities committee…

Brothers, I could not be more excited for the upcoming April weekend, especially following an amazing banquet. I hope you all had as much fun as I did at the annual banquet. I would like to thank our activities committee…
Attention all who are writing articles for the T-Bird Times the due date for articles is tomorrow so make sure that you get on that and write your article! We are striving to get them out early so make sure…
Here you will find the for to apply to receive a Troop visitation from Wagion’s one and only Promotions Committee who will give your Troop a presentation on camping in this area. If you are interested please fill out the…
T-Bird Times articles are due on January 27th to our new communications chairman William Moats. His e-mail is You can also mail them to me at Carry On!
Please note for all chairmen/officers/article writers the due date for T-Bird articles is September 3rd. If anyone has pictures that they took at any of the weekends that you would like featured in the T-Bird get those to me too.…
Hello Wagion, I would like everyone to know that you should be recieving your T-Bird Times and that I forgot the Neckerchief Committee article. Sorry Dustin. Also I look forwards to seeing all of you at the banquet. Make sure you…