As of the Lodge Business Meeting on Sunday, August 13th, 2017, the Wagion Lodge #6 Vigil Honor class for 2017 has been revealed! Much to our newest recipients’ surprise, all seven were called out and successfully completed our traditional ceremony…

On February 25, 2017 Wagion Lodge 6 announced the 126th and 127th recipients of the Thunderbird Award. Congratulations to youth recipient Andrew Colebank and adult recipient Clark Guy! A copy of the 2017 Thunderbird Award pamphlet (PDF) can be found HERE Brief History of…
ATTENTION 2016 CHAIRMEN AND ADVISERS: Due to the threat of severely inclement weather for this weekend, the Training Committee has decided to postpone the LLD until Saturday January 30, 2016. We will be doing another sort of registration just to…
Scoutmasters and OA Reps., Have you filled out your Order of the Arrow Unit of Excellence Award Form? At the October Service Weekend, we asked that all Scoutmasters and OA Reps present to fill out the form if their troop…
Your Wagion Lodge #6 Officers for 2016 are as follows: Chief – Caleb Maddas Program Vice-Chief – Ross Michael Administrative Vice-Chief – Michael “Giggles” Conroy Secretary – William Moats Treasurer – Isaac M. Congratulations to our new officers!
Hey Wagion! Wow, we really did start out the second century of the Order of the Arrow perfectly! For those who didn’t join us at the Banquet, you really missed out! We had over 220 Brothers attend, and boy was…
My Brothers, 2013 has been a monumental year for Wagion, and I believe that everybody is entitled to a weekend where they can relax and have a little fun in return for all of their hard work. This is it.…
Wagion, Each second our mighty lodge is getting closer and closer to hosting Conclave. Before having fun however, we must prepare. I stongly urge anyone who has not yet registered for the June Service Weekend to do so immediately. Our…