As Kenny B. posted recently, the Wagion Manual of Administration was passed by the Lodge Executive Board at the August weekend. As he wrote, ” the Lodge will be finalizing the manual in October at the business meeting.” You can…
90th Annivesary Weekend A Huge Success!
Wagion Lodge #6 celebrated its 90th Anniversary Weekend August 11-14, 2011 at Camp Conestoga. The weekend was a huge success with more than 400 brothers enjoying the fun, fellowship and fireworks all weekend! We were glad to welcome three national…
90th Annivesary Weekend A Huge Success!Read more
90th Anniversary Weekend Schedule
The 90th Anniversary Committee has just released the schedule for the 90th Anniversary Celebration and August Weekend, to be held August 12-14, 2011 at Camp Conestoga. You can view copy (in PDF form) at the link below! 90th Weekend Schedule…
90th Anniversary Weekend ScheduleRead more