With the conclusion of Tap-outs at summer camp, we are now able to mail out invitations to everybody that was tapped out at camp this summer. Those invitations will be going out in the mail on Friday, August 1st, and…
Executive Committee Meeting — July 16th
All OA committee Chairmen and Advisers are reminded that there will be an executive committee meeting at the Camp Conestoga Dining Hall on Wednesday, July 16th immediately following the ice cream social (which starts at 9:00 PM). It is important…

Rich Browning honored for 55 years of service.
During the October 2013 service weekend, Vigil Honor member Rich Browning was presented a recognition from the Boy Scouts of America for 55 years of service in Scouting. Presenting the recognition were District Executive Kyle Bryan and Council Executive…

Laurel Hills Camporee and October Weekend.
The Laurel Hills district has recently re-scheduled their Fall Camporee to fall on the same weekend as the October OA weekend (October 18-20, 2013). The LH Camporee will be held at Fort Ligonier. They were forced into re-scheduling for that…

Conclave sign ups
Have you already registered for Conclave and prep week? If not, please use this online form to sign up today. There are a limited number of slots available, and you do not want to miss this.

Online registrations for June
Starting with this June weekend, we are now allowing people to sign up for weekends online. It’s fast and convenient for you, because it only takes a minute, and you can do it any time, day or night. It also…

2013 Spring Nature Walk
Wagion Lodge #6 cordially invites all Cub Scouts and their families to the annual OA Spring Nature Walk. This is a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy nature with lots of fun activities mixed in. Plus, it gives both…

April Project List
Service projects, and what to bring for April.

Off to a great start!
Wagion, Congratulations on one of the best banquets I have ever seen. You all worked together and and had an excellent program all day long. Morning registration ran smoothly, as did membership. The number of new silver arrowmen memberships this…

Adult selection procedures in 2013
Happy new year, brothers! 2013 has begun, and your Lodge Executive Committee is already hard at work to put together an excellent year for you. There will be some changes this year regarding how we select adults into the Order…