During the October Service Weekend, some people taking their Ordeal may be bussed to Camp Tenacharison to provide Cheerful Service to our alternate camp. We are asking everybody under 18 that will be taking their Ordeal this October to please…

During the October Service Weekend, some people taking their Ordeal may be bussed to Camp Tenacharison to provide Cheerful Service to our alternate camp. We are asking everybody under 18 that will be taking their Ordeal this October to please…
At the Section NE-4B Conclave the Web-tech committee got a chance to talk to not one but two national officers. We got to talk to the Northeast Region Chief Eric Bush and the Southern Region Chief David Joyner. First I…
Tents and food! The June weekend had plenty of both. It was said that if you missed the June weekend you missed all of the meat! Everybody woke up Saturday morning to a great breakfast. After breakfast the mission began.…
Going to Conclave? If you are we are meeting at 7pm in the Parking lot at Camp Bucoco. The address is 150 Bucoco Lane, Slippery Rock. PA 16057. See you there!
All articles for the T-Bird Times are due by Sunday April 22, 2012. Email your article to Elliott Diamond.
Wagion there is only 67 people registered for the banquet. Spread the word! Get everyone you know that is in the Order to register. Tell everyone in your troop meetings, tell people in school, post it on Facebook, e-mail, Twitter…
Submitted by: Joe Snuffy, the third. On February 6th, 2012, members of the Lodge Executive Committee met at Camp Tenacharison to discuss the upcoming Lodge Banquet. Discussion topics included the banquet schedule, training cells, guests, and the lodge committee fair.…
Wagion Lodge flaps commemorating Eric Bush as the 2012 Northeast Region Chief will be available for purchase at the lodge banquet. These collectable flaps will be available to all lodge members for $5 each or in sets of 5 flaps…
Hey I’m Wesley Gower co-chairman of the web-tech committe. I am looking forward to meeting new people this year and becoming a part of Wagion. To be honest I always thought the OA was stupid and didn’t want to be in…