As of the Lodge Business Meeting on Sunday, August 13th, 2017, the Wagion Lodge #6 Vigil Honor class for 2017 has been revealed! Much to our newest recipients’ surprise, all seven were called out and successfully completed our traditional ceremony…
LAST DAY to Register for the April Service Weekend
Today is the last day to register for the April Service Weekend. You can do so by following the link below. I hope to see you there matey’s. 2017 April Service Weekend
William Moats 90th Anniversary, Activities, Ad Hoc, Administrative Divison, Administrative Vice Chief, Advisers' Armchair, Android, Banquet, Breaking News, Brotherhood, Camping Promo/Unit Elections, Ceremonies, Chief, Commissary, Communications, Communications Division, Conclave 2012, Conclave 2013 Articles, Conclave 2015, Conclave 2016, Conclave 2017, Conservation, Cub Scouting, Dance Team, Dear Giggles, Dining Hall, Drum Team, Elangomat, Finance, Financial Division, First Aid, Guest Columns, Manual of Administration, Membership, Native American Village, Neckerchief Award, NOAC 2012, Nominating, Officers, Ordeal, Program Divison, Program Vice Chief, Promotions, Religious Service, Secretary, Service, Special Division, Thunderbird Award, Training, Treasurer, Vigil Honor, Ways and Means, Web-Tech
LAST DAY to Register for the April Service WeekendRead more