Hello Thunderbirds! The Ceremonies Committee will be going through several changes over the next year. We have been training new people and planning new regalia to fit the woodland Native American style. This past weekend was the first weekend that…

Are you ready for 2014?
Brothers, It is my honor and pleasure to introduce you all to this great year for our lodge, 2014. Every year in our lodge has built off of the successes of the previous year, so this upcoming time can and…

Wagion Water Park
Are you ready to get soaked to the bone? If so you better come to the August Fellowship Weekend because the activities committee will being hosting the Wagion Water Park!

2nd Annual World Fair
Are you ready for the 2nd Annual Wagion World! If not you better get ready! For more details about the world fair click here—>Fair Flyer
April Weekend Reminders!
Hello Wagion, The April Service Weekend is right before our eyes (tomorrow, in fact – ed.)! Please keep in mind that this is a service weekend, so bring your work clothes! We need as much help as we can get,…

2013 Spring Nature Walk
Wagion Lodge #6 cordially invites all Cub Scouts and their families to the annual OA Spring Nature Walk. This is a great opportunity to get outside and enjoy nature with lots of fun activities mixed in. Plus, it gives both…

April Project List
Service projects, and what to bring for April.

Cubclave 2013
Wagion Lodge #6 invites the Cub Scouts of Section NE-4B to Cubclave 2013. The event will be held in conjuction with the Section NE-4B Concolave. If you are a Cub Scout you do not want to miss this event. For…

The 2013 Banquet Video Game Tournament Schedule!
Good Evening Wagion! This year’s Banquet will be better than any you’ve ever experienced before, besides from the fact that there will be great training cells, sports tournaments, Patch auctions and the new Committee Fair, but ALSO because everyone will…

August Weekend Service Projects List Released!
August may be our annual fellowship weekend, but that doesn’t mean that there’s plenty of cheerful service to be done! Spare some time from the Wagion World Fair to help provide a few hours of cheerful service towards helping our…