Brothers in Wagion Lodge assisted the Council with recruiting Cub Scouts by putting together over 2,000 informational packets that will be passed out to parents of prospective new members in an effort to get them to sign up for Scouting.…

Brothers in Wagion Lodge assisted the Council with recruiting Cub Scouts by putting together over 2,000 informational packets that will be passed out to parents of prospective new members in an effort to get them to sign up for Scouting.…
Hey Wagion! You may have heard the rumors, and I’m here to tell you that they’re true. Wagion is planning to have a tethered hot air balloon and offer rides during our 2012 August Fellowship Weekend!!! This will be made…
With the recent success of the April Service Weekend and the excitement for the upcoming June Service Weekend, we can’t forget that there’s something huge in between: The Annual Spring Nature Walk for Cub Scouts! Every May, the Conservation/Community Service…
Do you eat food? Do you know that everyone on this planet needs food to live? However, some people do not have enough food to survive. This is where the Boy Scouts of America comes in. We are holding the…
On top of great activities, food, and fellowship this April Service Weekend (April 13-15) we can’t forget about the best part of the weekend: Cheerful Service!!! Nothing beats gathering with fellow Arrowmen from around the council and sharing fellowship…
The 2012 Wagion Lodge #6 Fellowship Banquet, held Saturday, February 25 at Uniontown High School, was a great success! There were a variety of unique activities and training cells held throughout the day, including a live cooking demonstration by the…
The Wagion Lodge #6 Spring Nature Walk is currently being planned by the Conservation Committee. It will be held on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at the Eberly Scout Reservation. The schedule includes numerous “hands-on” learning experiences and presentations that will…