As of the Lodge Business Meeting on Sunday, August 13th, 2017, the Wagion Lodge #6 Vigil Honor class for 2017 has been revealed! Much to our newest recipients’ surprise, all seven were called out and successfully completed our traditional ceremony…

As of the Lodge Business Meeting on Sunday, August 13th, 2017, the Wagion Lodge #6 Vigil Honor class for 2017 has been revealed! Much to our newest recipients’ surprise, all seven were called out and successfully completed our traditional ceremony…
Today is the last day to register for the April Service Weekend. You can do so by following the link below. I hope to see you there matey’s. 2017 April Service Weekend
My Brothers, Conclave is just around the corner, and we have the awesome job of hosting it! In order to attend Conclave 2017 at Camp Conestoga, you must be on a Service Committee. Please sign up for a commmittee(s) and…
Wagion Lodge #6 celebrated its 90th Anniversary Weekend August 11-14, 2011 at Camp Conestoga. The weekend was a huge success with more than 400 brothers enjoying the fun, fellowship and fireworks all weekend! We were glad to welcome three national…
by Mark Steiner If you have already participated in a Brotherhood interview this summer, you will need to arrive at Camp Conestoga between 6:00pm and 7:00pm on Friday, August 11. Once you have registered with the Membership Committee at the Trading Post, you will meet…
The 90th Anniversary Committee has just released the schedule for the 90th Anniversary Celebration and August Weekend, to be held August 12-14, 2011 at Camp Conestoga. You can view copy (in PDF form) at the link below! 90th Weekend Schedule…
WAGION LODGE 6 90th Anniversary Celebration and August Fellowship Weekend August 12-14, 2011 at Camp Conestoga in Somerset, PA Special Guests include: JONATHAN HILLIS – 2011 National Chief with TRAVIS CUNNINGHAM – 2011 Northeast Region Chief and DWAYNE FONTENETTE…
Hello Wagion! I’m counting down the days to the weekend, and I hope you are too! The schedule is PACKED with awesomeness, and I can assure you, you won’t be bored! I can’t wait to see you all having a…
I don’t know if you happened to hear, but this year is our 90th Anniversary. Also, this upcoming August weekend is our 90th Anniversary Weekend. This August weekend promises to be a fellowship weekend like no other. Just to recap…