As of the Lodge Business Meeting on Sunday, August 13th, 2017, the Wagion Lodge #6 Vigil Honor class for 2017 has been revealed! Much to our newest recipients’ surprise, all seven were called out and successfully completed our traditional ceremony…

Hello Wagion, I would like everyone to know that you should be recieving your T-Bird Times and that I forgot the Neckerchief Committee article. Sorry Dustin. Also I look forwards to seeing all of you at the banquet. Make sure you…
Hey Wagion, I’m Dustin C., your neckerchief chairman. I would like to remind you that I still have all the neckerchief cards and I will pass those out next O.A weekend. Hope to see you in April! Carry on Wagion!
From Drew Colebank, Neckerchief Committee Chairman – Hey Guys, I know everyone is pumped and EXTREMELY excited for August Weekend. The Neckercheif Committee is introducing a few new changes to the program. 1. Ordeals will receive a…