My Brothers, Conclave is just around the corner, and we have the awesome job of hosting it! In order to attend Conclave 2017 at Camp Conestoga, you must be on a Service Committee. Please sign up for a commmittee(s) and…

Wagion Lodge #6 Prayer List Grant them love and peace, Great Scoutmaster of all. 1. Herb Harris’ father Donald is sick. 2. Doug Sestock’s mother is sick. 3. Phil Thewes’ wife is sick. 4. Brother Dwayne Welling past away. 5.…
Dwayne E. Welling 1922-2016 Wagion Lodge #6, W.W.W.
My fellow arrowmen, This past weekend Wagion sent a contingent to the 2016 Section NE-4B Conclave hosted by Kuskitannee Lodge 168 at Camp Bucoco. The weekend was very eventful, starting with the opening show on Friday night. After the show,…
As the school year is either wrapping up for many or already over for others. We here at Wagion look forward to seeing you up at Camp June 3rd-5th to help set up camp and to participate is fun Star…
Section NE-4B is proud to announce their Second ever E-Newsletter! If you find yourself with some free time, check out this newsletter to find out some more about what all of the Lodges in the Section have been up to!…
Section NE-4B now has an Online Trading post where you can get all of your NE-4B Apparel including and not limited to Conclave T-Shirts, Section Ball Cap, Section Neckerchief, Section Hoodie, Section Fleece Jacket and much more check it all…
Do you wanna be part of one of the Order of the Arrow’s Largest Staff Teams Ever?! Join Operation Arrow the Order of the Arrow Staff of the 2017 National Jamboree! Find Out More and Apply Today at Operation…
Happy Easter Wagion! As we look forward to the April weekend that is coming up here in about 4 weeks the Communications Committee would like to remind you and inform you of some things. First off we would like to…
As articles start to flow in and the April Weekends gets ever nearer I would like to remind all those writing T-Bird Times articles they are due by this Saturday March 12th and can be submitted here. Yours in Brotherhood, Aaron Coffman…