Hey Wagion, How is everyone’s summer going? I hope it’s as well as mine, jam-packed with awesome scouting experiences! Our summer camping season is over, but let me tell you, I believe it was a HUGE success. Each week we…
Greetings from Lansing
Hello Wagion! First, if you haven’t registered yet be sure to register for the August weekend. No spoilers yet but I can tell you it will be a weekend to remember thanks to the hard work of our lodge especially…
Elections Round Up 2: Paperwork
To any and all Scouters and Leaders seeing this right now, IF YOUR TROOP HAS/HASN’T COMPLETED THEIR ELECTIONS PLEASE NOTIFY ME! We are trying to get all the paperwork required turned in quickly so it can all be processed before…
6 Things You Probably Do Not Know About Wagion Lodge #6
1. Mr. Dwayne Welling and many other long time brothers in the Order of the Arrow never had to take their Ordeal. Before 1948, it was common for every council to have their own lodge. The former Society of the…
Going to Conclave? Bring these supplies!
The Conclave 2015 Committee would like to inform all attending lodge members that they should bring a few white tee shirts with them because they will be able to participate in silk screening. Additionally, attendees may choose to bring a…
Elections Round Up
To any and all Scouters and Leaders seeing this right now, IF YOUR TROOP HAS NOT COMPLETED THEIR ELECTIONS AND WISHES TO DO SO PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! Well what if you/your troop: Doesn’t require one? Tell me anyway! Has already…
Flyers for Community Days
Flyer Dear Brothers, Attached is the Flyer for the Order of the Arrow Community Day on June 27, 2015 at the Council Office (Click the link “Flyer”). Please hang these in your charter organizations, businesses, firehalls, churches, and schools in…
Unveiling of the Centennial Legacy Lid
My brothers, this April Service Weekend the Centennial Celebration Committee unveiled the Legacy Lid that will be displayed and used at the National Order of the Arrow Conference in August. Our lodge’s premier artist Jack Gesselman is the designer and…
The snow has finally melted, the weather is getting warmer, and the sun is shining (even though it’s sometimes “liquid sunshine”). It is a great time to be a member of Wagion! Spring is in full swing and the summer…
Conclave Payments
ATTENTION ALL CONCLAVE ATTENDEES: Conclave will take place on June 12-14, 2015. Your total payment of $50 is due at the April weekend. If you registered at the Banquet, or have not yet paid, you must do so to keep…