Listen to our founder and lay the tracks of Brotherhood: Post note: Listen to the beautiful rendition of the “Song of the Order” at the end of the video.
August Ordeal information.
With the conclusion of Tap-outs at summer camp, we are now able to mail out invitations to everybody that was tapped out at camp this summer. Those invitations will be going out in the mail on Friday, August 1st, and…
Executive Committee Meeting — July 16th
All OA committee Chairmen and Advisers are reminded that there will be an executive committee meeting at the Camp Conestoga Dining Hall on Wednesday, July 16th immediately following the ice cream social (which starts at 9:00 PM). It is important…
June Weekend
Hello Wagion! Don’t forget that tomorrow (Monday June 9th) is the your last chance to register for the June Weekend. This is gonna be a weekend that you are not going to want to miss. There is going to be a…
Want a Brotherhood Feather?
Hello Thunderbirds! The Ceremonies Committee will be going through several changes over the next year. We have been training new people and planning new regalia to fit the woodland Native American style. This past weekend was the first weekend that…

You Don’t Want to Miss This!
Dear Brothers, I hope that you are as excited for the upcoming April Service Weekend as I am! It will certainly be great to trek back up to Camp Conestoga for a weekend of service and fellowship with our Wagion…

April Weekend
Hey Wagion the April Weekend is fastly approaching. I hope to see all of you there because there will be alot of great activities put on by our activities committee. Some of these activities are Movie Night, Gamers night, Easter…

April Weekend From the Chief
Brothers, I could not be more excited for the upcoming April weekend, especially following an amazing banquet. I hope you all had as much fun as I did at the annual banquet. I would like to thank our activities committee…

T-Bird Articles Due
Attention all who are writing articles for the T-Bird Times the due date for articles is tomorrow so make sure that you get on that and write your article! We are striving to get them out early so make sure…

What is NLS?
In the Order of the Arrow, we use a lot of abbreviations: LLD, LEC, LAC, COC, MOA… So here’s two more: NLS & NLATS Starting with the first, NLS stands for the National Leadership Seminar. The National Leadership Seminar is…