Brothers, It is my honor and pleasure to introduce you all to this great year for our lodge, 2014. Every year in our lodge has built off of the successes of the previous year, so this upcoming time can and…

Brothers, It is my honor and pleasure to introduce you all to this great year for our lodge, 2014. Every year in our lodge has built off of the successes of the previous year, so this upcoming time can and…
Brothers, It is my pleasure to inform you that a new promotional video has been made! Don’t forget to pre-register for the banquet! Special thanks to Jake Smithula and Ian Zimmerman. In Brotherhood, Charles Echard Promotions District Chair Bushy Run…
The following is a speech of Charlie Daniels, legendary American singer on March 22, 2013 I am deeply concerned about the youth of today. In my lifetime, society has changed from a culture of nuclear families who worked out their…
Here you will find the for to apply to receive a Troop visitation from Wagion’s one and only Promotions Committee who will give your Troop a presentation on camping in this area. If you are interested please fill out the…
Well, the annual banquet has come upon us again. The banquet will have food, fun, and games. But there will also be one more important part to this event. The NOAC Training Cell and NOAC Patch Auction! These may even…
T-Bird Times articles are due on January 27th to our new communications chairman William Moats. His e-mail is You can also mail them to me at Carry On!
During the October 2013 service weekend, Vigil Honor member Rich Browning was presented a recognition from the Boy Scouts of America for 55 years of service in Scouting. Presenting the recognition were District Executive Kyle Bryan and Council Executive…
Plan on being on the 2014 Lodge Executive Committee? Then save the date January 11, 2014 because the Lodge Leadership Development Conference is MANDATORY for committee chairman. For look more details to be published soon.
2014 Lodge Officer Election Results Chief – Evan Bair Program Vice Chief – Ethan Byers Administrative Vice Chief – Caleb M. Secretary – Aaron C. Treasurer – Jesse L.
EVAN BAIR ELECTED 2014 WAGION LODGE CHIEF The Lodge has spoken! Evan Bair, 2013 Wagion Program Vice Chief, was elected as the 2014 Lodge Chief at the Wagion October Service Weekend, October 18-20. Evan, a Wagion Lodge 6 Vigil Honor…