Please note for all chairmen/officers/article writers the due date for T-Bird articles is September 3rd. If anyone has pictures that they took at any of the weekends that you would like featured in the T-Bird get those to me too.…
Laurel Hills Camporee and October Weekend.
The Laurel Hills district has recently re-scheduled their Fall Camporee to fall on the same weekend as the October OA weekend (October 18-20, 2013). The LH Camporee will be held at Fort Ligonier. They were forced into re-scheduling for that…
Here Comes August!
My Brothers, 2013 has been a monumental year for Wagion, and I believe that everybody is entitled to a weekend where they can relax and have a little fun in return for all of their hard work. This is it.…
Rice Krispies Treats to be Sold at August Weekend!!
Hey Wagion!! As I am writing this, NOAC 2015 is only 1 year, 11 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, and 6 minutes away. Yay!! At the August Fellowship Weekend, NOAC will be selling Rice Krispies Treats as a…
Wagion Water Park
Are you ready to get soaked to the bone? If so you better come to the August Fellowship Weekend because the activities committee will being hosting the Wagion Water Park!
2nd Annual World Fair
Are you ready for the 2nd Annual Wagion World! If not you better get ready! For more details about the world fair click here—>Fair Flyer
John Wayne’s “What the Scout Laws Mean to Me”
The great American, John Wayne, passed away many years ago. One of his last public appearances was at a dinner. He was riddled with cancer and knew he was close to death. The purpose of the dinner was to benefit…
NOAC 2015 committee seeking Artist!
Attention Wagion!!! The NOAC 2015 committee is seeking a youth member of Wagion that has artistic talent, preferably in painting. In preparation for NOAC 2015, our lodge must participate in the NOAC 2015 Legacy program. This program is a number of…
Remember to register for the June Service Weekend!
Wagion, Each second our mighty lodge is getting closer and closer to hosting Conclave. Before having fun however, we must prepare. I stongly urge anyone who has not yet registered for the June Service Weekend to do so immediately. Our…
Conclave sign ups
Have you already registered for Conclave and prep week? If not, please use this online form to sign up today. There are a limited number of slots available, and you do not want to miss this.