I’m very happy to announce the Order of the Arrow “Get Kids to Camp” program. Through this program, the OA will provide financial assistance to units that want to send Scouts to camp but lack sufficient qualified trained leaders that…

I’m very happy to announce the Order of the Arrow “Get Kids to Camp” program. Through this program, the OA will provide financial assistance to units that want to send Scouts to camp but lack sufficient qualified trained leaders that…
On top of great activities, food, and fellowship this April Service Weekend (April 13-15) we can’t forget about the best part of the weekend: Cheerful Service!!! 🙂 Nothing beats gathering with fellow Arrowmen from around the council and sharing fellowship…
The 2012 Wagion Lodge #6 Fellowship Banquet, held Saturday, February 25 at Uniontown High School, was a great success! There were a variety of unique activities and training cells held throughout the day, including a live cooking demonstration by the…
Hey Wagion, I’m Dustin C., your neckerchief chairman. I would like to remind you that I still have all the neckerchief cards and I will pass those out next O.A weekend. Hope to see you in April! Carry on Wagion!
Attention Lodge Executive Committee: Meeting Details: Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012 Time: 2:30 pm Location: Camp Tenacharison—Wolenter Lodge RSVP: We are assuming that you, as a part of the LEC, will be in attendance. Please contact me (Robbie Lavelle) with…
Annual Lodge Banquet 2012 Schedule of Events: Time: Event: Location: 11:00 am Registration Entrance Area 11:30 am Zombies Tournament Game Area 11:50 am Ways and Means Training Room A 12:00 pm OA Reps / Unit Elections / Promotions Training Room…
ATTENTION WAGION: Sorry about all the recent confusion regarding the registration deadline for the Banquet. This year, we will be having a new caterer who set an earlier deadline than previous years (usually the Wednesday before) for placing the order…
Wagion there is only 67 people registered for the banquet. Spread the word! Get everyone you know that is in the Order to register. Tell everyone in your troop meetings, tell people in school, post it on Facebook, e-mail, Twitter…
Remember: The deadline to register for the 2012 Annual Lodge Banquet is Wednesday, February 15, 2012! All you have to do is contact the Council Service Center to be a part of one of the most action-packed, super-fantastic, exciting events…
Submitted by: Joe Snuffy, the third. On February 6th, 2012, members of the Lodge Executive Committee met at Camp Tenacharison to discuss the upcoming Lodge Banquet. Discussion topics included the banquet schedule, training cells, guests, and the lodge committee fair.…