Wagion Lodge #6
April Planning Meeting Coming Soon!
April Planning Meeting Coming Soon!

April Planning Meeting Coming Soon!

Attention Lodge Executive Committee: Meeting Details:  Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012 Time: 2:30 pm Location: Camp Tenacharison—Wolenter Lodge RSVP: We are assuming that you, as a part of the LEC, will be in attendance.  Please contact me (Robbie Lavelle) with…

67 People?

Wagion there is only 67 people registered for the banquet. Spread the word! Get everyone you know that is in the Order to register. Tell everyone in your troop meetings, tell people in school, post it on Facebook, e-mail, Twitter…

Lodge Executive Meeting

Submitted by: Joe Snuffy, the third. On February 6th, 2012, members of the Lodge Executive Committee met at Camp Tenacharison to discuss the upcoming Lodge Banquet. Discussion topics included the banquet schedule, training cells, guests, and the lodge committee fair.…