Wagion Lodge #6’s NOAC 2012 committee efforts were recently noted as a “Best Practice” on the National Order of the Arrow site. For more than the past year, the NOAC Committee, lead by chairman Evan B. has sold dozens of…

Wagion Lodge #6’s NOAC 2012 committee efforts were recently noted as a “Best Practice” on the National Order of the Arrow site. For more than the past year, the NOAC Committee, lead by chairman Evan B. has sold dozens of…
Adviser’s Minute by: Daniel Wright, 2012-14 lodge adviser I am honored to accept our Scout Executive’s invitation to serve as Wagion’s twenty-first lodge adviser. It will be a great challenge to perform as well as the 20 men that…
2012 Officers for Wagion Lodge #6, W.W.W. Lodge Chief: Robbie Lavelle Program Vice Chief: Jake R. Administrative Vice Chief: Alex L. Treasurer: Caleb M. Secretary: Drew C. 2012-2014 Lodge Adviser: Daniel Wright
As Kenny B. posted recently, the Wagion Manual of Administration was passed by the Lodge Executive Board at the August weekend. As he wrote, ” the Lodge will be finalizing the manual in October at the business meeting.” You can…
Officer Elections by Mark Steiner For those of you who don’t know, it’s time to elect new Lodge Officers! Here’s what you need to know: LODGE ELECTION PROCEDURE, IN BRIEF: Wagion elects its Lodge Officers at the October…
Hello Wagion, I am happy to report that the Manual of Administration was approved by the Lodge Executive Committee in August – which means that now its your turn to have your say. The Lodge will be finalizing the manual…
My Brothers! There’s a lot to be happy about right about now. I just got happy because I typed in “wagion.org” into my url box and knew that we had a brand spankin’ new site. Then I glanced at…
NOAC 2012 Items to be on Sale at October Weekend by Evan Bair NOAC 2012 will have patches, t-shirts, cookies, and brownies for sale at the October Service Weekend. Bring lots of money. Also, if you signed up…
POWDER HORN by Dan Wright Many lodge brothers probably have not ever heard of “Powder Horn”, which is a shame because it’s an awesome experience, and it will be happening very close to us in just a few weeks.…