All OA committee Chairmen and Advisers are reminded that there will be an executive committee meeting at the Camp Conestoga Dining Hall on Wednesday, July 16th immediately following the ice cream social (which starts at 9:00 PM). It is important…

Rice Krispies Treats to be Sold at August Weekend!!
Hey Wagion!! As I am writing this, NOAC 2015 is only 1 year, 11 months, 3 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, and 6 minutes away. Yay!! At the August Fellowship Weekend, NOAC will be selling Rice Krispies Treats as a…

August Weekend Service Projects List Released!
August may be our annual fellowship weekend, but that doesn’t mean that there’s plenty of cheerful service to be done! Spare some time from the Wagion World Fair to help provide a few hours of cheerful service towards helping our…

Adviser’s minute – July 2012
Congratulations on another excellent summer season. We had a great year at Camp Conestoga. Now as things wind down at camp, we look forward to NOAC and the August OA Weekend. These are huge events. Events that no one person…

August T-Bird Article Deadline
Remember the T-Bird Times Article deadline for the August issue is July 15. Please send article drafts to Elliott Diamond via, for I will not have computer access until the 16th. Thank you. -Drew Colebank

Hot Air Balloons Sail Into Conestoga In August!
Hey Wagion! You may have heard the rumors, and I’m here to tell you that they’re true. Wagion is planning to have a tethered hot air balloon and offer rides during our 2012 August Fellowship Weekend!!! This will be made…