Wagion, Each second our mighty lodge is getting closer and closer to hosting Conclave. Before having fun however, we must prepare. I stongly urge anyone who has not yet registered for the June Service Weekend to do so immediately. Our…

Wagion, Each second our mighty lodge is getting closer and closer to hosting Conclave. Before having fun however, we must prepare. I stongly urge anyone who has not yet registered for the June Service Weekend to do so immediately. Our…
Have you already registered for Conclave and prep week? If not, please use this online form to sign up today. There are a limited number of slots available, and you do not want to miss this.
Sub-committee chairmen and advisers of the 2013 Conclave Committee met on Thursday, January 3rd to discuss their plans for this upcoming year. Wagion Lodge will be hosting the Section NE-4B Conclave June 14th through June 16th at Camp Conestoga. Walk-in…
Are you an active member of Wagion Lodge 6? Are you excited for Conclave 2013 coming to Camp Conestoga?!? Do you want to play a bigger role in it happening? If you answered “YES!” to the above three questions, then…
On Saturday, September 8th leaders from across section NE-4b, encompassing the Council of Chiefs (CoC) officially voted on and approved Wagion’s theme for Conclave next year: “The Mario Brotherhood Weekend!” The theme is sure to be a fun and also…
At the Section NE-4B Conclave the Web-tech committee got a chance to talk to not one but two national officers. We got to talk to the Northeast Region Chief Eric Bush and the Southern Region Chief David Joyner. First I…